terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to ihateCbts.us’ terms and conditions page. These are the rules and conditions we want our users to follow. Always read our privacy policy and terms page before using our website. If you can’t agree with our rules, then you can avoid using our website.


Our website uses cookies to run properly. Cookies are small files that store information on the user’s device when they visit our website. These cookies help us identify the user’s browser information, interests, IP, etc. This information helps us provide the best services on our website.

What You Can Do?

It is an informational blog, and we do not charge anything for this information. It is completely free of cost. However, you can upload this content to any other website and share it on any social media sites with friends and family. But you cannot claim this content as yours.

Sharing Content

You can share our website content with others using the share button available on our website. We only allow sharing our articles on social media sites. You can share article links on social sites.


We allow users to comment on our website and share their thoughts. However, we are not responsible for what others say.

What We Can Do?

We can change our website rules without prior notice. Therefore, if you are a regular user of our website, please read our policies from time to time.

Third Party

We have third-party websites linking to us. They have different privacy policies. If you use their website, always read their privacy and rules. We are not responsible for third-party website privacy policies.

If you have any queries related to our website, you can contact us through our “Contact Us” page.

Author Profile

John Muller
John Muller
Hi, I'm John, the creator of "I Hate CBTs." With a background in Computers, I've experienced the highs and lows of Computer-Based Training (CBTs). This platform explores the challenges of CBTs and encourages diverse learning discussions.
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