Hey everybody, it’s Mike Freder. I hope you’re doing well from On Call Compliance Solutions. Uh, just about to get started with our Feature Presentation: DoD Growth Secrets – Cashing in with Compliance and Winning More Defense Work.
Excitement and Overview
We still got a bunch of people who are sort of filing in here to the presentation room, so super excited to have everybody, and, uh, you know what? We’re going to have a lot of really cool insights that we get to share with you during this presentation, so appreciate everybody tuning in, and, uh, super excited to share this with you.
The Importance of Defense Work
You know, we’re all about helping our defense contractors and those people who are helping out the defense industry and involved in defense work to grow and, of course, also be safe and secure by being compliant with DFARS, NIST SP 800-171, and of course, getting ready for CMMC coming up very, very soon in the near future here.
Agenda Overview
So, again, welcome, welcome. Uh, I think it’s probably just about time to get started, so I’m going to throw some slides up on the screen here to help me out and give us some visuals. Uh, as great as looking at my face is, I think there’s probably some other things we can look at that might be more entertaining as well, and, uh, we’re going to just go through everything in one second and, uh, just waiting on the final people to get in the room here and we are almost ready.
Introduction to Presentation
All right, all right, okay, let’s get this screen shared out here and let’s get kicking. Uh, fantastic. Welcome everybody to a special presentation. This is DoD Growth Secrets for my defense contractors out there, cashing in with compliance and winning more defense work.
Introduction of Speaker and Credentials
Super, super excited that you guys have joined us today. My name is Mike Freder. I am a CMMC certified assessor. I’m also the president of On Call Compliance Solutions and On Call Computer Solutions, our parent company, which is a global Managed IT service provider, uh, specializing in technology management and cybersecurity for defense contractors. So, uh, welcome to our presentation.
Learning Objectives
So what are we going to talk about today? Uh, let’s talk about what you’re going to learn.
Importance of Defense Work
So first off, uh, we’re going to talk about why there’s no better way to grow your business than through increasing your footprint in defense work.
Leveraging Compliance for Sales Strategy
So if you’re one of the many companies joining us today and only a small portion of your business is in defense, you are not alone.
Strategies for Growth and Expansion
Uh, and I’m going to talk a little bit about why I think, you know, you may want to reconsider the amount of effort you put into defense work.
Understanding Compliance
Uh, there are a lot of really great reasons why you want to expand your footprint in defense and do more of this work, not to mention the least of which is, you know, again, if you’re getting compliant with DFARS, NIST SP 800-171, and prepared for CMMC in the future, well, that’s probably the highest litmus test you really got to face.
Marketing Strategies for Defense Contracting
Next, we’re going to talk about understanding how to frame compliance when discussing sales strategy with your sales team.
Assistance Programs and Preferential Treatment
In other words, you went and you got compliant, probably because of some work you had coming in, but now you’ve gotten compliant. How do we really leverage this to the maximum?
Practical Strategies
How do we talk to our sales teams about understanding that we’re compliant and what we can use that for? In sales teams, we’re also going to talk about some proven strategies for leveraging your newly acquired status as a company that is compliant with today’s DoD information security requirements.
Government Assistance Programs
And I love this one. Um, we’re literally going to go strategy by strategy.
Marketing for Defense Contracts
Uh, I call it doing the unthinkable, and we’re going to go through and talk about the exact strategies that we have seen used and that we use ourselves for proven growth and expansion of the defense footprint.
Wrap-Up and Next Steps
Next, we’re going to talk about the size standards when it comes to AA small business set asides and other ways to get preferential treatment and sole-source wins.
Regular Review and Risk Management
And of course, maybe I’ll sort of, uh, trigger the internet, if you will, here by talking about the idea of preferential treatment.
Introduction of Speaker’s Company
But ultimately, what this boils down to is there are definitely ways where you can get a leg up on the competition, especially if you are a small to midsize business.
Reality of Defense Market
And let’s be honest, there’s a lot of big businesses out there who have smaller subsidiaries that can help to win this work.
Support and Track Record
So we’ll talk a little bit about that. Next, we’re going to go over and understand a current contracting assistance program.
Encouragement to Engage with Defense Work
So we’re going to talk about how to get help from the government winning this defense work. And believe it or not, yes, you know, unlike the private sector, which is pretty brutal, you’re on your own to go out there and win work.
Specialized Services
The good news is that there are a lot of assistance programs out there. The government needs you. They need defense contractors.
Growth Opportunities
And as a result, you will be able to get some help with that. And I’ll show you exactly where to look. Next, marketing strategies that are specific to defense contracting.
Regular Assessment
Super stoked about this one.
About the Speaker’s Company
We’re going to really deep dive into the exact strategies that we recommend and leverage ourselves for marketing for defense work, and also for, you know, just marketing in general, but really, specifically for your defense work.
Encouragement to Participate in Defense Market
And we’ll talk about the differences between defense work and private sector marketing and things like that. Next, picking a direction and wrapping up into quarterly risk management review.
Introduction of On Call Compliance Solutions
So I’m going to show you, if you’re not regularly practiced in how to sort of manage an ongoing sales or marketing program, I’m going to show you how to pick a direction and wrap it into your quarterly risk management review so that you can have some sort of a regular checkup, if you will, on how you’re doing.
Encouragement to Explore Defense Opportunities
So we’re going to go through all of that. So are you ready? Let’s jump in.
Overview of On Call Compliance Solutions
Okay, so a little bit about us. On Call Compliance Solutions is a division of On Call Computer Solutions.
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Support for Defense Contractors
It’s a 20-plus-year veteran IT company supporting US defense contractors and the defense industrial base. So our motto is we defend those who help defend our country. That’s what we’re all about here, and that’s what our mission is.
On Call specialized in the unique compliance and cybersecurity needs of DOD contractors and SBIR award winners just like you. Now, if you don’t know what SBIR award winners are, that is a Small Business Innovation Research award winner, and I will talk more about SBIR in the future, but that’s another very exciting place that you can go and look at getting some revenue from, just to do some research and development.
On Call’s work with many DOD contractors and SBIR award winners and established an excellent track record as a long-term growth partner, providing long-term tactical support in the areas of DOD information security compliance, cybersecurity, and strategic Managed IT services on an ongoing basis.
We’re privileged to support hundreds of defense contractors, including the world’s largest defense contractors, and also, we get to watch how they operate and grow, and I want to try to pass some of that knowledge on to you.
Obviously, we’ve got a lot of confidentiality, non-disclosure type stuff going on, but again, generally speaking, a lot of these concepts really wind up being the same.
Rationale for Focus on Defense Market
Next, I want to talk a little bit about reality. I want to talk about why defense is the market to be in right now, and a couple of things I have up here on the screen. Number one is a graph that demonstrates the trends when it comes to defense contracting.
First, what you see is the amount in billions continues to rise and rise and rise. And you know what, guys? I don’t have it on this graph, but defense spending in the last 12 months is incredible. I mean, we are literally funding wars around the world.
And then the next step is the number of vendors who are vying for those dollars is going down and down and down. And to me, this is really an incredible opportunity. I dream of graphs like this when I’m looking to do business development, a graph where there’s more and more money being spent in a place where there’s less and less competition.
For that reason alone, I would tell you that if you’re looking at your current company and you have a foot in the door when it comes to defense work, I think you’ve already probably passed the biggest hurdle. You’re kind of in over your head, and this graph alone should give you a strong indication of why it’s such a great time to really expand your business when it comes to the amount of defense work that you take on.
Opportunities in Defense Market
I really encourage that again. It’s recession-proof, it’s pandemic-proof, it’s very sustainable. Again, yes, they kind of start out with one-time contracts, but oftentimes those contracts are extended, sometimes they’re extended into infinity, if you will. And again, it’s really the best client on Earth, the US DOD. I mean, they don’t even have a budget. I mean, imagine a client with an unlimited wallet. So while there are some hoops to jump through, admittedly, getting compliant is definitely one of them, there is no better place to be when it comes to long-term growth. I just, I really do love defense work in general.
Now, let’s delve into some specific strategies and insights that can help you capitalize on the opportunities within the defense market.
Understanding Market Dynamics
To thrive in the defense sector, it’s crucial to comprehend the market dynamics and navigate its intricacies effectively. With the right approach, you can position your company for sustained growth and success.
Strategic Approach to Compliance
One key aspect is compliance with regulatory standards such as DFARS, NIST SP 800-171, and CMMC. Achieving and maintaining compliance demonstrates your commitment to security and positions you as a trustworthy partner for government contracts.
Integration of Compliance into Sales Strategy
However, compliance alone isn’t enough. It’s essential to integrate compliance into your sales strategy effectively. Educating your sales team on the significance of compliance and how to leverage it during client interactions can yield significant dividends.
Proven Growth Strategies
Drawing from our experience and industry best practices, we’ll explore proven growth strategies that have enabled companies to expand their defense footprint successfully. From targeted marketing initiatives to strategic partnerships, these strategies can propel your business forward in the competitive defense landscape.
Leveraging Small Business Advantages
For small and midsize businesses, there are unique opportunities to gain a competitive edge, such as through AA small business set-asides and other preferential treatment programs. We’ll discuss how to leverage these advantages to secure contracts and win more business.
Government Assistance Programs
Additionally, we’ll delve into government assistance programs aimed at supporting defense contractors. These programs can provide valuable resources and guidance, enabling you to navigate the complexities of government contracting more effectively.
Tailored Marketing Strategies
Marketing plays a crucial role in attracting government contracts. We’ll explore tailored marketing strategies specifically designed for defense contracting, highlighting the differences between marketing in the defense sector and the private sector.
Risk Management and Quarterly Reviews
Finally, we’ll discuss the importance of risk management and conducting quarterly reviews to evaluate your progress and adjust your strategies accordingly. By regularly assessing your performance and refining your approach, you can stay agile and responsive to market dynamics.
Closing Remarks
In conclusion, the defense market presents immense opportunities for growth and success. By embracing compliance, adopting strategic growth strategies, and leveraging available resources, you can position your company as a trusted partner in the defense industry and capitalize on its vast potential. So let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the secrets to success in the world of defense contracting.
Author Profile
- Hi, I'm John, the creator of "I Hate CBTs." With a background in Computers, I've experienced the highs and lows of Computer-Based Training (CBTs). This platform explores the challenges of CBTs and encourages diverse learning discussions.
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